Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Better to die as Jeckyll than live as Hyde.

Given up meds. Given up on Recovery....

Better to die as Jeckyll than to live as Hyde....


Justine said...

Just hang in there my dear and don't give up on yourself. There is no such thing as complete recovery but things can and do get better with time. I can't think of what to say that isn't a platitude but I mean every word.
Thinking of you.

Purplesapho said...

Lots of hugs to you, wish I could say more. xx

Anonymous said...

(((La Reve)))

Meds have never worked for me either, so I feel your pain. But don't give up on recovery. Improvements can happen.

Hang on, okay?

Wishing you well,

stopbeingstupid said...

Meds are your choice, but please, please don't give up on yourself,for the sake of your little boy.


Anonymous said...

hope you are ok

Anonymous said...

Please don't give up. You can get better, it will just take time. If you don't give up though, you have all the time in the world. xx

stopbeingstupid said...

I really hope you're still alive.